25 Things Your Wife Will Love To Hear You Say

If your marriage is like mine, sometimes your wife could use some encouragement.  If you are like me, it is not always easy for your wife to be married to you.  I admit I can be tough to deal with sometimes.  You can probably say the same.  But sometimes we do get it right, and sometimes we say exactly what our wives need to hear from us at that time.

Note: This post originally appeared on Jackie’s blog, JackieBledsoe.comand has been one of the most popular posts.

Wives are better than husbands…

I’ve experienced it the other way around.  I’ve had bad days (or weeks), and my wife has said just the right thing at just the right time.  Those are the times when you are like, “I love this woman!”  Women are usually better with words, so our wives probably accomplish that more than we do.

Husbands can be better, with work…

However, we should be more aware of the words we say or don’t say.  We should be more attentive and intentional to our wives, and look to encourage with our words and follow them up with our actions.

We need to encourage our wives with our words and follow them up with our actions. Share on X

Here are 25 things your wife will love to hear you say

Check them out, and start building your wife up with your words.

  1. I’m listening
  2. I love you
  3. Can I pray for you?
  4. You look amazing!
  5. You are my best friend.
  6. Let me get that for you
  7. Good morning beautiful
  8. I cannot wait to see you!
  9. Sit down, put your feet up, and rest
  10. I’m cooking dinner, what would you like?
  11. Time for some you time, I’m taking the kids
  12. I’m not going anywhere!
  13. Let’s put the kids to bed early tonight (okay, this might be something I love to say as much as she loves to hear)
  14. I need you
  15. Being married to you is the best
  16. Let’s take a walk
  17. I arranged for a sitter, and date night is planned.  Can you be ready by 7?
  18. Will you wear that (dress or outfit), that I love seeing you in?
  19. What would you like to do today?
  20. God has great plans for us
  21. You are an amazing woman
  22. You are a great mother
  23. I’m glad you are my wife
  24. I have a surprise for you…
  25. You smell nice

I encourage you to study your wife.  Get to know her better than you ever have, and start saying the things you know she’ll love to hear.

Tue. Sep 1, 2020

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