The Single Greatest Thing A Dad Can Do For His Children

Once you have children, your life changes.  You begin to do things differently in an effort to care for, provide, and guide your children.  Of all those things, there is one thing that a father can do that will provide the greatest impact on his children’s lives.

The “Single Greatest Thing A Dad Can Do For His Children” is to love their mother.  Plain and simple!  No matter your relationship “status“, loving your child’s mom is the greatest thing you can do for them!

The Single Greatest Thing A Dad Can Do For His Children is to love their mother.

Show them what love looks like

When the kids see dad loving mom, then they see what love looks like. Your sons will know how to relate to women as they grow older.  Your daughters will know how a man should talk to her, and how a man should touch her.  Nothing less will be acceptable.

Loving your children’s mother frees her to love and nurture them. Your love encourages and inspires her to do so in the best way she can.  There isn’t anything to get in the way of this love being expressed to them. Now the love of your children is exponential.

Harmony and the meeting of needs

There is a peace that comes in the household when dad loves mom. When you love someone you care that their needs are met, as much as you care that your needs are met.  There is a constant effort to meet the other person’s needs.  Anytime mom and dad’s needs are met the children’s needs usually are too.

We can do much more when we work with others striving for the same thing. Our children feel the bond of a team, and know if they falter there is not just one person to pick them up, but two people working together to get back them back on track.  That team is a wonderful foundation, that much can be built from.

A charge to all dads

I encourage all my fellow fathers to not just love your children but to love your wives, love the mothers of your children.

This is the single greatest thing you can do and will create a solid foundation for your children, that will provide lifelong benefits, greater than anything else!

Note: This post originally appeared on Jackie’s blog, JackieBledsoe.comand has been one of the blog’s most popular posts.

Wed. Dec 23, 2020

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